Startups & Scaleups
Nijmegen is an innovation hotspot in the Netherlands, especially in the field of health and high tech. The city has a strong ecosystem of knowledge institutions like the Radboud and the HAN, large international top companies like NXP and Ampleon, and a strong collaboration with the Nijmegen-Arnhem-Wageningen region.
Novio Tech Campus
Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen is the hotspot for Health and High Tech innovation in the Netherlands. From preventive malaria medicine to a new generation of chips. The campus is now home to some 75 companies that employ over 3,400 people in the Nijmegen region. The campus is a lively community and a great place to be. There is a lot of interaction between the different buildings and companies, and new business premises are being built.
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Innovation is increasingly important as a cornerstone for economic growth and job creation. Startups, scaleups and grownups encounter many challenges on their way to successful growth. Briskr is a consortium of organisations that support entrepreneurs in these challenges.
Briskr is the programme that helps startups and SMEs to grow faster and make a greater impact in Health and High Tech. The consortium consists of: Business Cluster Semiconductors, Municipality of Nijmegen, Health Valley Netherlands, Kadans Science Partner, Novio Tech Campus, East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL), Province of Gelderland, Radboud University, Radboudumc and SMB Life Sciences.
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StartUp Nijmegen
StartUp Nijmegen is an inspiring environment to establish, grow and flourish as a starting entrepreneur. A place where entrepreneurs get a workplace, network and all kinds of activities. A place where support, guidance and growth are always central. At the same time, they contribute to the growth, innovation and acceleration of Nijmegen's entrepreneurial climate.
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Mercator Launch
Mercator Launch is a pre-incubator for start-up entrepreneurship at Campus Heyendaal in Nijmegen. They are there to help all (PhD) students, alumni and researchers in Nijmegen to turn their business ideas into products or services that add value. Ideas that generate impact and break through the status quo. Mercator Launch wants to help you develop and present your innovative business ideas and support the start-ups that arise from these ideas.
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