Nijmegen is internationally renowned for its strong Health ecosystem. It has a solid knowledge base with Radboud University, Radboudumc and HAN. They are an important source of (scientific) knowledge and know-how on topics such as genetics, infectious diseases, nutrition and neuroscience. This knowledge is put into practice by both large and small Nijmegen companies.
Digital Health
'Digital health', which includes digital care programmes, is the linking and innovation of digital technologies with health and healthcare. This is to improve efficiency and make medicine more personalised and precise for the patient. AI, Artifical Intelligence, is also a part of digital health.
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Drug Discovery & Development
Radboudumc wants to be a dot on the healthcare horizon; to be pioneers in shaping a sustainable, innovative and affordable healthcare system for future generations. They also want to distinguish themselves as the most person-oriented and innovative university medical centre and be recognised as such. Radboudumc plays a leading role in personalised care research, which is divided into 18 themes.
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Neuroscience/Healthy Brain
The Donders Institute is a research centre dedicated to understanding human cognition and behaviour in health and disease. Hundreds of international researchers focus on advancing brain, cognitive and behavioural sciences and improving health, education and technology.
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